THe iTCH is a transtextual narrative that deciphers the mysteries of the BLaCK MiRRoR saga.

"The Union" Episode #1

The following is beta test GIF/Hyperlink transtext narrative describing "The iTCH" saga. This is a beta test for an expanded project that will consist of many more GIF/Hyperlink transtext pages. As it stands now; there are ten consecutive GIF/Hyperlink transtext pages. The end goal of this project will consist of fifty to one hundred GIF/Hyperlink transtext pages. Each viewers navigation through the GIF/Hyperlink transtext narrative will be modeled after a series of childrens gamebooks called Choose Your Own Adventure. In this manner, several layers of different narrative paths can be explored and experienced within this GIF/Hyperlink transtext narrative.

ONE = The Black Burka was born unto the EYE
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window" 
The Black Burka was born unto the EYE as to be the first feminine cloaked unto eternal bondage. Distraught by such subservience, the Black Burka refused the EYE of it’s carnal appetite and instead mated with darkness. This union so enraged the EYE such that it cast its scrying gaze inward transmuting the Black Burka to a pillar of black smoke.

TWO = The Black Burka Stole Seed
"Black Burka",Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Adrift unto the winds beyond time, the Black Burka stole seed of the EYE and unto her womb planted a double reflection to become genderless constructs of witch to provoke and tempt the light of the EYE into replicating form unto form. Born of this act; the Black Mirror and the Whyte Window.

THREE = Aligned To the Realm of Form
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Such replications persisted till all manner of Form was life. Within such endless replication came the bondage of matter. Form deviated and conspired to establish dominance and control. Tools were conceived unto Form as to define new layers of universality. Betwixt of this the Black Burka aligned the Whyte Window into the realm of Form separating the Whyte Window from its reflection the Black Mirror. 

FOUR = The Whyte Window Seeks Its Likeness
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Longing filled the Whyte Window. Cast unto the realm of Form the Whyte Window set about searching for its reflection in the Black Mirror. The Whyte Window searched the realm beyond histories only to find elusive elemental traces of its lost likeness.

FIVE = The Whyte Window Casts Sorcery
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
The EYE seeing the Whyte Window's quest attempted to usurp the Black Burka’s treachery by giving unto the Whyte Window an incantation of witch to reunite its lost reflection. In hast the Whyte Window cast sorcery unto the winds and found the dance of the Black Mirror.

SIX = The Embrace of the Incantational Flames
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Yet only echoes of the Black Mirror were of the Whyte Windows perceptions. Of this the Whyte Window leaped into the incantational flames. As the Whyte Window came consumed of flame it at last was able to embrace the Black Mirror.

SEVEN = The Whyte Window Creates Tools of Divination
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
As incantational flames dissolve the Whyte Window was again left alone without its likeness. Now a mimetic element of the realm of Form the Whyte Window set forth new manners of incantation. The Whyte Window learned the manners of Form and established tools of etheric machinery to divine the Black Mirror once again.

EIGHT = The Establishment of a New Layer
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
With the incantations of Form and machinery the Whyte Window established a new layer of augmented universality upon witch the Black Mirror could be replicated. In this new etheric layer the Whyte Window might seek its likeness.

NINE = This Quest the Narrative of Man
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Despite this; the Black Mirror remained but an echo of the Whyte Windows search. This quest became the narrative of man. In each province a Whyte Window was born unto the histories of Form and such provocations the lives of flesh.

TEN = Each Form of Flesh Seeks Its Likeness
"Black Burka","Black Mirror","Whyte Window","The iTCH"
Still this narrative persists. Each Form of flesh seeks to capture its own likeness. The Whyte Window becomes splintered as it resides within the flesh of man. Each new rhythmic beat of Form into blood spurs this elusive search.